106 research outputs found

    Restriccions d'integritat temporals en bases de dades deductives bitemporals

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    The aim of this report is to introduce a taxonomy of temporal integrity constraints, focused on the bitemporal deductive database area, to get a better understanding of why they are required, their behavior and the best way to define them using first order logic. To meet these goals, we have analyzed temporal integrity constraints taxonomies existing on the temporal database area and deeply related areas as multiversion databases. Thus, the mentioned legacy work has been adapted and developed to cover the scope of the bitemporal deductive databases.Postprint (published version

    The Events method for temporal integrity constraint handling in bitemporal deductive databases

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    A bitemporal deductive database is a deductive database that supports valid and transaction time. A temporal integrity constraint deals with only valid time, only transaction time or both times. A set of facts to be einserted and deleted in a bitemporal deductive database can be done in a past, present or future valid time and at current transaction time. The temporal integrity constraint handling in bitemporal deductive databases causes that the maintenance of consistency becomes more complex than another databases. The $events methodisbasedonapplyingtransitionandeventrules,whichexplicitlydefinetheinsertionsanddeletionsgivenbyadatabaseupdate.Intheconceptualmodel,weaugmentthedatabasewithtemporaltransitionandeventrulesandthenstandardSLDNFresolutioncanbeusedtoverifythatatransactiondoesnotviolateanytemporalintegrityconstraint.Intherepresentationaldatamodel,weusetimepointbasedintervalstostoretemporalinformation.Inthispaper,weadaptthe is based on applying transition and event rules, which explicitly define the insertions and deletions given by a database update. In the conceptual model, we augment the database with temporal transition and event rules and then standard SLDNF-resolution can be used to verify that a transaction does not violate any temporal integrity constraint. In the representational data model, we use time point-based intervals to store temporal information. In this paper, we adapt the eventsmethodevents method$ for handling temporal integrity constraints. Finally, we present the interaction between the above-mentioned conceptual and representational data models.Postprint (published version

    Applying transition rules to bitemporal deductive databases for integrity constraint checking

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    A bitemporal deductive database is a deductive database that supports valid and transaction time. A set of facts to be inserted and/or deleted in a bitemporal deductive database can be done in a past, present or future valid time. This circumstance causes that the maintenance of database consistency becomes more hard. In this paper, we present a new approach to reduce the difficulty of this problem, based on applying transition and event rules, which explicitly define the insertions and deletions given by a database update. Transition rules range over all the possible cases in which an update could violate some integrity contraint. Although, we have a large amount of transition rules, for each one we argue its utility or we eliminate it. We augment a database with this set of transition and event rules and then standard SLDNF resolution can be used to check satisfaction of integrity constraints.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    LEARN-SQL: herramienta de gestión de ejercicios de SQL con autocorrección

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    Algunas herramientas de autocorrección existen ya en el ámbito de la docencia informática. No obstante en asignaturas de bases de datos el problema es especialmente complejo debido a la gran variedad de tipos de ejercicios (los sistemas existentes se limitan a consultas) y a que éstos no tienen solución única. Nuestro sistema tiene como objetivo corregir automáticamente cualquier tipo de sentencia SQL (consultas, actualizaciones, procedimientos, disparadores, creación de índices, etc.) y discernir si la respuesta aportada por el estudiante es o no correcta con independencia de la solución concreta que éste proponga. En esta comunicación presentaremos específicamente el módulo encargado de la gestión de ejercicios y todas las tipologías de estos que estamos utilizando en la actualidad.Peer Reviewe

    A learning tool to develop sustainable projects

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    This paper presents a tool developed to help engineers to design and develop sustainable projects. The tool has been designed to introduce and evaluate the sustainability of engineering projects in general, but here we show its application to assess the final project of an engineering degree. This tool is a guide for students to introduce and estimate the sustainability of their projects, but it also helps teachers to assess them. The tool is based on the Socratic Methodology and consists of a matrix where each cell contains several questions that students must consider during the project development and which they must answer in their project report. A positive or negative mark is assigned to every cell, and the sum of all marks states the project sustainability. However, the result is not as simplistic as a final number, but a descriptive sustainability analysis where questions are answered and every mark justified. A pilot test with some students has obtained good results, but the first Final Degree Project using this methodology will be read in July 2016.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Mapping the sustainable development goals into the EDINSOST sustainability map of bachelor engineering degrees

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This Research to Practice Work in Progress paper presents the work conducted on the use of the Sustainability Map of Bachelor Engineering Degrees (a tool developed by the EDINSOST project) to analyze how Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are developed in each Degree. Over recent years, there has been a growth in the importance of working sustainability based on the SDGs. To identify which learning objective of each SDG corresponds to each learning outcome of the EDINSOST Sustainability Map, a correspondence matrix has been defined. The matrix contains the learning outcomes of the EDINSOST Sustainability Map in its rows, and the 17 SDGs in the columns. The cells of the matrix contain the learning objectives of the SDGs that correspond to each learning outcome of the EDINSOST Sustainability Map. This work in progress presents the first results of the process of mapping the SDGs into the EDINSOST Sustainability Map of Engineering Bachelor Degrees. Early results show that some of the 169 learning objectives are not applicable to Engineering Degrees. Likewise, we have seen that learning objectives have been defined more for policy makers than for engineers, and therefore adaptation is not an easy task. However, the work done has helped us to verify that the EDINSOST Sustainability Map can help in the introduction of the SDGs into the curriculum.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Uso de LEARN-SQL en el aprendizaje cooperativo de bases de datos

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    En este artículo se describen los cambios efectuados en algunas asignaturas del área de bases de datos en dos vertientes: organizativa y tecnológica. En la primera, el objetivo principal ha sido la introducción de técnicas de aprendizaje cooperativo. En la segunda, el objetivo ha sido potenciar el autoaprendizaje y el autoevaluación a través de la herramienta LEARN-SQL. Los cambios relacionados con las dos vertientes se han aplicado, hasta el momento, a asignaturas distintas. Para finalizar el artículo, se hace una valoración de los resultados obtenidos, y se trazan las líneas de futuros cambios orientados a la combinación de las dos vertientes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    E-assessment of relational database skills by means of LearnSQL

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    LearnSQL is a software system that allows the automatic and efficient e-learning and e-assessment of relational database skills. It has been used at the Barcelona School of Informatics for 18 semesters with an average of 200 students per semester. This paper shows the functionalities of LearnSQL subsystems by means of specific and understandable examples.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Integració i avaluació de la competència genèrica transversal actitud adequada davant el treball en assignatures de bases de dades

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    El canvi al nou Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior va portar a la Facultat d’Informàtica de Barcelona de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya a incorporar competències genèriques tranversals en els seus plans d’estudi. En aquest article es presenta com s’ha integrat la competència actitud adequada davant el treball en les assignatures de bases de dades del Grau en Enginyeria Informàtica en la especialitat d’Enginyeria del Software, el mètode d’avaluació utilitzat i es comenten els resultats obtinguts en els darrers tres anys.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Aventuras y desventuras de un informe de sostenibilidad

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    La introducción de la competencia sostenibilidad en los estudios de ingeniería no está resultando fácil. Paradójicamente, esto sucede en un escenario en el que el desarrollo de la competencia sostenibilidad resulta vital para la formación de una ingeniera, bajo la convicción de que el futuro será sostenible o no será. De hecho, existen numerosos estudios y proyec-tos académicos que defienden la conveniencia de la introducción y desarrollo de la sostenibilidad en los estudios de ingeniería (ABET, TUNING, etc.). Probablemente, la clave de la dificultad de conseguirlo radica en el desconocimiento y falta de experiencia de gran parte del profesorado sobre cómo trabajar esta competencia. En este artículo presentamos una revisión de la guía que el grupo SeeCS-UPC propuso para su aplicación en la Facultat d’Informàtica de Barcelona (FIB) en 2015 sobre cómo elaborar un informe de sostenibilidad del Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG). Tras dos años de aplicación, es buen momento para el análisis, la reflexión y la revisión de esta guía, una vez analizadas las experiencias de los partícipes en la elaboración de los TFG (tanto estudiantes, como directoras, ponentes y profesoras de la asignatura de gestión de proyectos de la FIB). Básicamente, nuestro análisis nos lleva a creer que hemos sido demasiado ambiciosas respecto a las pretensiones del informe. En consecuencia, consideramos que es mejor olvidarnos de algunos puntos, simplificar otros y explicar mejor el resto. Todo lo anterior debe ser complementado con formación para las partícipes, tanto estudiantes como profesoras.Postprint (published version